I am really lonely tonight. All my siblings(and bunk mates) are at a friends house. So I'm all alone(with my parents) in my house. I got a taste of what it meant to be an only child tonight, and it was good, but now it's bedtime and I don't have my sisters to protect me from snakes and scary monsters.
I am really happy tonight. I've been in an unspoken argument with a friend for over a week now. I was mad at her for being mad at me for something I couldn't change. I was feeling pretty crappy about it because I didn't know how to fix the problem, until tonight, after ignoring me, she walked up to me and just started sobbing. So I hugged her and let her cry, and then she told how she was so stressed out with decisions she is having to make and how I had just scared her so bad, by making her think about the future. I apologized and told her that I wasn't making any life-altering decisions right now regarding what had scared her so bad about me. I think we both felt loads better. I think what I had 'done' was just the cherry on top of a mental breakdown sundae(I sound well versed in that because I make those often.. And most of the time out of myself). To the person who helped restore this friendship(you know who you are), I thank you from the bottom of my heart. You are amazing. <3
For the first time. Since July 22nd, 2012. I'm starting to believe that good decisions were made that day. Four days short of a year, thank You Jesus. I like the direction my life is heading.
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