This is Me

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I am only sure of a few things. Jesus saves. Kansas is my home. I am intoxicated by the beauty of the sun. Oh, and I love you.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Why I want to be a mother someday.

Sometimes when I'm babysitting, usually when it's eleven in the morning and I still haven't managed to get them out of their pjs, or it's ten o'clock and they still aren't asleep, I ask myself, "How in the world do their parents do this?!" But then, it's eleven in the morning, and sure they are still in their pjs, but the time we spent snuggled up on the couch, reading book after book surely was worth it. And it's ten o'clock and they aren't asleep yet, but you can hear their little voices whispering their goodnight prayers and them giggling as they speak sweet nonsense to calm the others fears. Those are the times when I realize what makes it worth it to the parents. How they push through everyday. Kids, they love you, unconditionally. Kids, they see you for who you really are. Kids, they are so innocent. Kids, they could grow up to be great people, all they need is people that believe in them. And those people should be us! 

It's the time I spent rocking one to sleep who is missing their mommy. It's the exclamation of "BEST BABYSITTER EVER!" after I let them have cereal for lunch or go to the park or play video games. It's the hugs and kisses and 'please come back!''s. It's the 'Ay-Ce, I wuv you''s that make this the best job in the entire world! Those times are the times when I realize why I want to be a mother someday, because even the hard times can be blessings. Because loving a child is always worth it in the end. 

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