This is Me

My photo
I am only sure of a few things. Jesus saves. Kansas is my home. I am intoxicated by the beauty of the sun. Oh, and I love you.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

I must see Jesus.

Oh, boy. This is a hard one. Stay strong, folks, stay close. 

A challenge from missionary Keith Hock: What is your reason for being in the Word and serving God? Is it your parents forcing you to? Your image within the church? Even your friends? Or is it this? 

I must see JESUS.
I must tell JESUS
I must serve JESUS
I must know JESUS
I must love JESUS

'This' is when you are serving Christ because you must, you can't even help it, you love Christ so much that you must serve Him, you must get to know Him better, you must tell Him all of your trials and joys. You must SEE Him in your life. When He becomes visible to you and to others through His work in your life! 

Friday, September 27, 2013

I love it when you are shining.

"I love it when you are shining. 
When you remind me to smile. 
When you encourage my heart. "

Hi. I like that first line, "I love it when you are shining." It is so beautiful. "I love it when you are shining." That means, I see you for who you really are. I understand how beautiful you truly are and I don't know how I didn't see it before. But you shine so bright now. I know that it's what is inside that really counts. I see you shining... 

Okay, I just liked that a lot. So I wanted you to see it. Now we can get down to the more unimportant stuff. :) 

This girl! Oh, I love her! I cherish all the Wednesdays with her. 

This is my best friend. I'm so glad that she is alive. I love you, Heidi-Lou, I really do. 

This picture doesn't even show a fraction of how happy I was to be out of class with a iced coffee in my hands. 

Yes, yes, yes, yes. 

A lovely fall night by the fire. 

Relaxing with some cool kids. 

Well, that's that. :) the pictures from the last time I posted. My page views went from 28 to 674, so that has been awesome for my ego. I love to run, I miss running.. So much, but lately I just haven't felt up to it. I've gotta fix that. :) this weather has been awesome, just enough summer to make me crave cooler days. I was babysitting tonight and the four year old girl kept saying every time her brother whined "you get what you get and you don't throw a fit!" It was pretty darn cute. Sometimes when I see people, I'm all like "Hi, you make me melt.." *nervous laugh* and I'm not a witch either.. Hahaha.(so yeah, how many of you actually got that? Awkward..) first moment alone all day... Does Geography homework.. I have no life. That is it for now.. Cuz my mind is going blank. 

Ephesians 4:29, 31

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Happy Days.

Hi, there. 

So it has been awhile, hasn't it?
I've been rather busy I suppose, with school and such things. Today I walked to the mailbox and found my Starbucks Gold card! There was much rejoicing. I have been waiting for(what seems like :P) forever for it to arrive. My heart is very happy today. 

I am extremely excited for the arrival of autumn! The past few days have been nice and cool, but not quite cool enough for hot tea, :( much to my dismay. I enjoy some hot tea to go with my homework. But still, I am excited that soon it will be cold enough! This past year I've realized how much I love all the seasons and I really do. I love spring because it is the start of all things new, with everything growing and all the wonderful rain! I love summer because it is so hot and there is no school! I love laying outside and soaking up the suns rays. I love fall because it is so cool, and all the pretty leaves changing colors, I love our family get-togethers for Thanksgiving. And lastly, I love winter because it is cold, and the Christmas carols, and bundling up in blankets and the beauty of fresh snow, and hot chocolate and tea! 

Algebra is my enemy. Seriously, it is. I can't stand it. All the numbers get jumbled up in my head and I can't understand it. It is altogether terrible. Just in case you were wondering.

I love skirts. They are just so much more comfortable than jeans. I'd much rather wear a skirt(or sweats or gym shorts) than jeans. I didn't used to be this way, but lately I've been wearing a skirt, rather than jeans, whenever sweatpants aren't socially acceptable.

I. Love. Kansas. 
Seriously. Everything about this state is incredible. 
I love the random thunderstorms. 
the rain for two weeks nonstop. 
the dust storms.
the tornadoes.
the hotness in September(What?) 
the snow in May. 
So maybe Kansas is a little confused.
But I love it.
Everything about it.
I don't think I could ever leave long term. 
Even the Ocean can't steal me away.
Kansas is, well, HOME.
 I'm home.



Saturday, September 7, 2013

My week in pictures

I love this kid. Even after he throws a screaming fit. His cute little face covered in cookie crumbs saying "I love it!" makes me melt. Every time. 

These girls. Little divas. Fast friends. 

I love this. 

My new obsession in music. The oh hellos. 

Journal entry. Letter from a friend. 
The resemblance in our handwriting is scary. Oh dear. 

A thought. 

Do you know what quitters do?

Whenever someone around me says that they want to quit, I say(okay, usually I yell :)) "You are a quitter, and do you know what quitters do?!?!" And if they don't know the answer, I reply for them with "they quit!" And ultimately convince them to stick around and not quit.

Well, as much as I say this. I don't really follow through myself. I quit, all the time. When things are hard, I just have absolutely no motivation, so I quit. This year though, I got myself into a bunch of things that I can't quit. Like youth bells, and volleyball practice. These things are absolutely painful. But I have to get through them. Because I don't want to quit, even when my frustrated mind and tired body say I do. I want to get them perfect. 

I'd appreciate all of your prayers while I'm perfecting these two activities(can you even call them that? The word just sounds so.. Fun!)