This is Me

My photo
I am only sure of a few things. Jesus saves. Kansas is my home. I am intoxicated by the beauty of the sun. Oh, and I love you.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Embrace it

Change is scary.
But it was due time for one.
I think I like the blue. and I KNOW that I LOVE the gray and yellow. I've always loved that color combination.
I have no idea what I'm here for. I used to think I did, but lately, nothing has made sense. I've been thinking a lot about how every decision I make changes my future. I find that so nerve-racking. That thought is so scary. I think this all just comes with being 16. A small comfort.
This blog is going to be whatever, there isn't going to be anything certain about what you'll read on here, because I change every day.
Take it as you will.
Embrace it, I'm trying to.


  1. I love the new look. Sorry about creeping you out last week--I thought I was texting your Dad. Keep writing! I consider it my window into your world, which I wouldn't otherwise have. I'm super excited that you guys are planning on coming up for Ella's wedding. I can't wait to see you! Love, U. Greg

    1. Thanks, Uncle Greg! Haha, it's okay I get texts for my dad a lot(mostly for work, so I had to ask who it was), I just didn't want you to think it was him cuz that'd be weird after a while, Hah! I love to write, lately I just haven't felt inspired though, hopefully that will change soon! :) I am super excited for Ella's wedding and seeing New York again, I can't believe that it has been eight years already!


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